Debra Alessandra
Children’s Book Author, Blogger, Educator, & Speaker

Throughout this site, you’ll find beautiful inspiring messages for children and adults alike.

About the Author
Meet Debra AlessandraI’ve been on this planet for a long time. It a challenge to write a little bit about me in such a short space.
On a practical note, you might like to know I spent 27 years in the company of children as a classroom teacher. I also led small groups for children of alcoholics, and provided counseling for in and out-patient clients with an emphasis on Family Dynamics.
I’ve been working a program of recovery for over three decades. Having a community of like-minded people has helped me grow and blossom into the person I am today. The fellowship of others has been a stabilizing influence in my life.
The receiving and giving inherent in recovery has been a life affirming experience.
By allowing the Spirit of the Universe to come in to my life and walking a spiritual path, I am giving back to others as a part of my personal growth and soul evolution.
I currently live in Tampa, Florida with my almost-human companion named Bella. I enjoy being near my amazing daughter, my dear son-in-law, and my precious grandson.
I continue to create more materials from my home in sunny South Florida.
After all these years I find it rather amazing that it all comes down to this profound sentence: In the words of Madeleine L’Engle,
“You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.”
So far, I have written four books. More are on the way. I strive to write inspiring messages for children that are simple, innocent, and truthful.
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