Pandemic Possibilities

Pandemic Possibilities

I was speaking to a friend last night who said, “You know, I have lived here 16 years and yesterday when I went on my walk, I saw my neighbors sitting out on their front lawn (6 ft apart) and their neighbors had joined them.” A bit of a circle well-suited for sharing. The ups, the downs, the possible pitfalls, and the benefits of this pandemic.

There are hundreds of examples of how things have shifted that make me hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, we’ll move out of this crisis stronger than we were before the crisis. This is an opportunity to put down the paycheck to paycheck mentality. This is a chance to play with our children. Perhaps we will appreciate the value of family and support. Here is a time to catch up on the many tasks we say we’ll get to later.

I find it soothing to have so little traffic on the street. I find it comforting to look up at the sky and not see airplanes overhead. Might our planet be getting a well-deserved break from the damage we have inflicted?

I suspect we have been preparing for this situation for a while. Many of us have been devoting more time to our own Consciousness and we have expanded our spiritual capacities. And if that is not the case for you, here is an opportunity to have a time of retreat and time with yourself. Find your inner strength and share it with those around you.

Let’s get out of our own way. Offer help to our little ones who are undoubtedly rattled. Offer to help our neighbors if we can manage to do so. Offer help to the elderly when appropriate.

The last thing I want to mention is this. At a time when hoarding may be at an all-time high, perhaps we can consider the value of sharing our resources. I believe most of us learned it in kindergarten.

There are endless possibilities.


March 20, 2020

Rock Investigations

April 3, 2020