Reflections on the Light

Reflections on the Light

This is a difficult time of year for many people.  Despite the abundance of occasions for merriment and warmth, there are those who struggle through the holiday season.

Many find it challenging to rise above their troubles if they are pressing. Some of us are feeling emotional pain like grief, hurt, and sorrow. I am drawn to thinking about how to navigate this kind of darkness.

It always strikes me as interesting. As we approach the winter solstice; the shortest day of the year; the least light during the daytime; we are fortunate to experience an abundance of lights.

Have you enjoyed this profound balance of light and dark on full display during the holiday season?

I reflect on how the lights shine brightest in the darkness. And how we need light the most during our own times of darkness.

There is a deep solace in the light that reinforces the truth of all that is hopeful and good in the world.

My grandson and I have gone on an adventure several times recently to roll slowly through the neighborhood to notice the lights. We delight in the simple comfort of the lights on houses and trees. He’s convinced that’s how Santa knows whether to come to your house by whether you have lights up. For a few moments before bedtime, we’ve been able to soak in the world’s beauty at night. It holds a dose of magic and a dash of soothing.

No matter what your situation, I hope you enjoy the beauty of the world during the holidays. And please remember to celebrate the return of the light of the sun as the days grow longer after the winter solstice. It’s inherent in the natural rhythm of nature and in our lives.


December 13, 2019

Lighten Your Load

December 28, 2019